Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hockey and Politics

So, it dawned on me the last time I posted my blog ( I know it's been a while since then) that I start almost all of my blogs with "So". At first I decided that this is something I should curb, however since then I decided that it is one of my idiosincracies and I am going to keep it for now.
I went to my first Montreal Canadiens hockey game in the Saddledom last week in my brand new Canadiens jersey (Thank you Len) and it was quite the experience. To begin with I was still recovering from whatever viral infection I caught several weeks ago, and I believe, a rather nasty sinus cold too boot. And then my team played worse than the Tim Horton's Tim bits kids, at least their cute when they fall down! However, the most interesting part was walking along 17th Ave in my jersey and being alternately booed and cheered at by passers by. Never having been to a Canadiens game anywhere except for Montreal before I finally got to experience what it felt like to not be the home team. At times it was almost scary, but for the most part it was a lot of fun. I just wish my guys had backed me up with a win. Oh well, at least I only have to wait 3 years for a comeback game :(
If this wasn't already enough, the Conservatives are now in power. I am relieved that they have a minority government, but only so relieved. They still have lots of potential for destruction all the same. All I can hope for is another election next year (I hear you Autumn) and a better choice of candidates to choose from.
Stay tuned for wedding details, to follow soon, I promise...