Sunday, October 16, 2005

I Think I can...I think I can

So Len, my dad, my sister and I completed the Ambulance Chasers 6KM Run/Walk in only 47 minutes. That was a lot faster than we had originally anticipated, we were much faster because we ended up running about half of it! Right up to the starting line we planned to walk the whole thing...and then the ambulance siren went off and I just started to run. I looked around me at the rest of my family and we sort of shared this look that said if you want to run I'll run. Which was pretty cool. We made it the first K without really stopping which is pretty impressive because my dad is the only one of the four of us who has run more than five minutes in any one session for well over a year. Go us!
The rest of the run we sort of played it by ear. I was prepared to stop running completely at any point if my leg gave out, but it didn't. Besides the fact that I was so excited that I was running again, I was also blown away by the view of downtown from the ridge. It is just beautiful. Once it gets dark the city looks magical with all of it's lights twinkling away. The temperature was perfect, in fact it was just a little bit warmer than the last time I ran the race.
We crossed the finish line running, and there were lots of wonderful people to cheer us on. We then went into Eau Claire and had some food (they were serving Spolumbo's sausage's-yum) and came across quite a few people we knew that had also run the race. There is always a great feeling of camaraderie after a race and a sense of shared accomplishment. I had really missed that and I was so happy to be part of it again.
After the race we managed to not only walk home from Eau Claire, but also go to Kelsey's birthday celebration at Well. Unfortunately we were pretty tired at that point, so we didn't very long (Sorry Kelsey) but it was great to see everybody.
All in all it was a perfect night.


Blogger kelsey said...

That great you could do it! I'm sorry that I didn't get much of a chance to chat with you guys, I'm just glad you could make it!

10:49 a.m.  

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